Welcome to the SFK Blog!

Hi there, and welcome to the San Francisco Kitchen blog page! We are thrilled to introduce this new addition to the website and even more excited that you have decided to take the time to explore it! However, we realize that you may be wondering what a blog is and why it should be of any interest to you. Don’t worry, that is precisely why this page is here – to answer your questions!

The San Francisco Kitchen blog is your resource for accessing the world we love most – the great wide world of food! But not just any food, of course. No, instead, here you will find articles filled with information around traditional Asian and Western cuisine. We will talk about some of the most common offerings and some of the least (but, of course, delicious). There will be a few recipes thrown in for the nights you are unable to join us at SFK. And, as mentioned, you can expect to find answers to some of the questions you may have wondered about – like, is sushi good for you?

Of course, building such an extensive library of information will take us a minute or two. Please be sure to check in frequently to stay up to date! You never know what we’ll be up to next. In the meantime, be sure to check out and follow our Facebook page!


san francisco kitchen nashua

Yes, San Francisco Kitchen is on Facebook!

Who isn’t these days, really? Once you’re done exploring our website, be sure to head over to Facebook and follow the SFK page! There, you will find the latest happenings, information on live music, and so much more. We promise you don’t want to miss what we have in store for you!

Again, thanks for popping in and we hope you enjoy everything that we have in store for you. Remember, if you find yourself anxiously waiting for the next article, hoping it addresses a specific question – we’re always here for you! Please reach out to us anytime! Give us a call, drop us a comment on Facebook, leave a review on Google – whatever you need, we’re here for you!